Sunday, July 19, 2009

tagged from shazana samaluddin

Tentang saya

1. Name ?
- wan eliza aizam bt wan abd aziz

2. Nickname
- aai, timah

3. Age ?
- 17thn meyh..

4. Where do you live?
- Cheras Selatan

5. Hobby ?
- xde hobby ttp..ekot kpale giler dtg sume buat.Hahaha

6. Hair colour ?
- black..aai mmg natural.huhu

7. Eye colour ?
- xbper nk itam sgt..asian kn..ahaha

8. Drink?
- xde kesempatan lg..weee(;

9. Smoke?
- Yup2.but not addicted..

10. Done Drugs?
- jauhi dadah..

11. Virgin?
- Yup!of coz larh.

12. Favourite Drink?
- hot chocolate.

13. Favourite Food?
- aai xmemilih.sume bedal.ahaha

14. Favourite Cigarettes/Cigars?
- xpnh beli sekotak lagi.asek mnx org je.ahaha

15. Whats your favourite number?
- 2 and 5

16. Favourite radio station?
- fly f.m

17. Favorite fast food restaurant?
- McD..addicted kot.tiap mggu nk mkn.

18. Favourite fancy restaurant?
- Mamak ke mapley ke..lyn je larh.

19. Favourite subject in school?
- account

20. Favourite band ?
- lynan sme rata keh..ahaha

21. Favourite singer?
- ayu oiam. Hahahaha. aai minat negro.. Ramai lah. Tak mampu nak senaraikan

22. Favourite actress/actresses ?
- emma roberts

23. What is your shoe size?
- 5 atau 6..kaki xstabil kadang2.

24. What is your favorite book?
- buku kemahiran hidup ekonomi rumah tangge.ahaha..

25. Are you a morning person or a night person?
- Both. Haha

26. Favourite word
- pankek,buto.ahaha

27. Biggest fears?
- lost the people i love..xdpt g mne2 lepas spm.

28. Biggest weaknesses?
- pemalas

29. Bad habit
- korek ap yg ad di sekitar muke. Haha

30. Current mood ?
- mngantok..

Crap things

31. Are you gay/bi/lesbian?
- no babeh..never

32. Party or the Beach?
- beach la kot. Party is quite interesting. Haha

33. Coke/pepsi ?
- vanila coke tersenarai x?ahaha

34. Doggies or Kitties?
- puppy..

35. Shorts or Pants?
- Both.

36. T-Shirts or Long Sleeved?
- Tshirts lagi seswai dgn ak kot.

37. House or Apartment?
- House please

38. YM or MSN?
- pndai menggunakan YM saja

39. Lions or Tigers?
- lion.suke bulu2..pankek giler.

40. Hairspray or Gel?
- due2 mcm xpnh pakai je.aai kuno la.

41. Bath or Shower?
- Shower..mcm mndi ujan..bru romantik.

42. Shoes or Flip Flops?
- Both

43. Lipstick or Lipgloss?
- lipstick..lipgloss buat ak nmpk comot..

44. Pancakes or Waffles?
- Chocolate waffles.same mcm nana.

45. Chris Brown or Usher?
- Chris Brown

46. Pitbull or Daddy Yankee?
- due2 xnk.mcm ne?

47. Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise ?
- tom cruise la.ley naek cruise hari2.ahaha

48. Salt or pepper ?
- Pepper

49. McDonald's or Burger King?
- carl's jr lg mnepati cterase tank ak yg besar nih.

50. CSI or Law and Order?
- CSI the best.

51. Battleship or Monopoly?
- monopoly.

52. Will Farrell or Adam Sandler?
- Adam Sandler

53. Red or blue?
- red..merah berani.

54. Apple juice or Orange juice?
- Apple juice

55. Love or Lust?
- Love

56. When's the last time you had a headache?
- last nite.

57. How do you feel right now?
- dpt tdo best ni.

58. Does anyone call you baby?
- tak pernah lg.

59. Would you ever get a tattoo?
- syg kt mayat ak nti..kne siat2..xnk2.ahaha

60. What's the first thing you thought of this morning?
- knp awl sgt ak kena bngun pg ni?

61. What's something you really want right now?
- relexation n tak pyh pk psl nk kne g skola.

62. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
- I dont have any closet. Haha.

63. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
- Sometimes

64. Do you have freckles?
- Tiade

65. Do you always smile for pictures?
- aai snap picture candid lg cun..perasan.ahaha

66. Do you chew your pens and pencils?
- can i?ahaha

67. What size is your bed?
- queen size.

68. What is your Song of the week?
- Nyalakan tekad.

69. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
- bkn pink striking la..n yg karat2 tu jgn nk brangan pakai pink colour.

70. Do you still watch cartoons?
- Yes I do. especilly atasinchi..

71. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
- Soalan mengundang giler.

72. Best thing to eat for breakfast?
- telur separuh masak.pehh.! nk nangis aku.

73. What is your usual bedtime?
- sekarang kol11..sbb da xde sape2 nk text smpai larut malam..

74. Are you lazy?
- Sometimes

75. What is your Chinese astrological sign?
- Monkey

76. Are you stubborn?
- Yes.

77. Afraid of heights?
- tak gentar.riak gler.

78. Can you curl your tongue?
- yes i do.

79. Can you swim well?
- tak boleh jauh2.nti semput.

80. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
- Yes i can

81. Are you patient?
- yes mybe

82. DJ or band, at a wedding?
- Band.

83. What is your favorite lyric?
- ' because the gurl like u is impossible to find your impossible to fin..(lgu secondhand serenede)

84. Are you a fast or slow typer?
- Tengah2.

85. What is your most viewed website?
- youtube sudeh.

86. Do you hate anyone?
- ada la..fuck budak tuh.

87. Does anyone hate you?
- Maybe..aai xperfect..ahaha

88. Do you like to get drunk?
- belum bercita2 lg..

89. Do you like the color black more than most colors?
- Hitam itu kemas.kemas bermakne tiade kelemumur.ahaha

90. Your thoughts on our president........?
- Abis la negare bankrupt...

91. Would you rather travel to Europe or Australia?
- australia..t'ingin nk pegang koala.

92. Would you rather swim in the ocean or in a pool?
- Pool sebab xde ombak2..

93. Would you rather take a vacation to the ocean or a lake?
- Ocean

94. What's better, the last day of school or your birthday?
- Last day of school la..sebab birthday every year die ad..

95. Would you skydive for $400?
- Never

96. What's worse: a headache or a stomach ache?
- Headache..satu bende pn xley nk buat..

97. What's worse: a dentist appointment or a doctor's appointment?
- due2 wa tara gentar la.huhu

98. Do you like the smell of gasoline?
- Owh suke gila. ;)

99. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
- Pikir bile nk berubah

100. What were you doing at 5pm yesterday?
- berkebun..biase la.baru nk berjinak.

101. Would you rather take a bus or a taxi?
- Bus sbb boley jmpe pkwe2 saya..ahaha

102. Would you shave your head for $500?

103. If you could have any car, what would you have?
- alphard..ley sumbat ank ramai2.ahaha

104. Would you rather go back to 1985 or forward to 2025?
- 1985 mk bpk ak xbtemu dorg xterpikir nk buat ak lagi.ahaha

105. Are you sitting still right now?
- duduk la sengal.

106. What's cuter: a puppy or a kitten?
- Puppy

107. The traffic light turns yellow. Do you accelerate or slow down?
- Kuning tanda change gear n speed..

108. Batman or Superman?
- sailormoon xde ke?

109. What's your most embarassing moment?
- ak bocor kt skola..then budak laki yg tego..adoii.malu gler ak time tuh..bile jmpe dgn budak tu segan je...rase nk flush2 je muke ni kt jamban.

110. What's worse: spiders or snakes?
- spider..takut dgn kaki die yg bulu2.ahaha

111. When was the last time you cried?
- aai xde perasaan

112. Can you use chopsticks properly?
- Boleh saje.

113. When was the last time you had to run?
- just now

114. What did you do today?
- lepak di mcd btho dr pg smpai tghari

115. Who is your most hated teacher?
- xbaek benci nk buat mcm ne..cikgu tu yg mngundang ak benci die.ahaha..

116. TV or Internet?
- Both

117. Could you live without a TV?
- boleh saje..

118. Could you live without the Internet?
- tarahal larh.

119. Do you have a Myspace?
- Yes i do.

120. Do you have a Facebook?
- xde2.

121. What's the first thing you do when you go online?
- Bukak myspaces..

122. What's your favorite website?
- youtube

123. What browser do you use? (IE, Firefox, etc.)
- mozilla firefox.

124. What's your favorite bone in the human body?
- alamak..mcm xpnh dgr je..

125. Would you rather win Survivor or American Idol?
- Survivor. suare macam katak mustahil i can win

126. Where would you rather live: Africa or India?
- Dua2 xnk.

127. Pirates or ninjas?
- Pirates.

128. Vampires or werewolves?
- Vampire hensem sket. Werewolves byk bulu. Hahaha

129. What was the last thing you ate?
- mcD

130. Did you answer all of these honestly?
- Da abis juujur la ni.

Have you ever......

131. Made someone cry?
- Owh fav kot.

132. Been online for more than 10 hours in a row?
- duduk 3jam dpn laptop pn da xtahan.

133. Been caught cheating?
- selalu...aai xpndai coverline kot.

134. Have you ever got into trouble with the law?
- pernah

135. Have you ever fallen for your bff?
- Nope2.

136. Have you ever felt alone?
- Yup2. skrg ni la.

137. Have you ever had braces?
- Never.

138. Have you ever been in a physical fight? Did you win?
- Selalu kalah kalo gadowh dgn adek..aku bkn kaki pukul.ahaha

139. Have you ever been to West Virginia?
- Nope2.

140. Have you ever drank spoiled milk?
- Dulu. skrg da jarang minum susu...stok da xde.ahaha

141. Have you ever broken a bone?
- teringin nk rase.

142. Ever watch soap operas?
- Tak minat

143. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
- Belum lagi. Haha

145. Ever take dance lessons?
- juz menari depan cermin je yg mampu.

146. Ever won a spelling bee?
- Tak pernah masuk pon.

147. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
- Xpernah...ap rase die ek?

148. Ever been in love?
- tak egt la..elang ingatan kjp.ahaha.

149. Ever have plastic surgery?
- natural beuty lg cntek kot..

150. Wet your pants?
- time tidow selalu..kantoi..ahaha.

151. Coughed so hard you hurt your back?
- Pernah kowt dulu

152. Dated someone shorter than you?
- ala ak da pendek kot kalo dated lg pndek bpk huduh..

153. Had a nightmare about drowning?
- Aku pernah mimpi ke?ahaha

154. Snuck out?
- Ade. Tahun ni. .bru blaja dr nana.ahaha

155.Cheated on a bf/gf?
- Zaman mude dahulu kala.

156. Killed someone?
- Kalau dapat memang keseronokan melanda

157. Hated someone but loved them at the same time?
- kalo da benci benci smpai mati la..

158. Tried killing yourself?
- Tara otak ke?

160. Regret anything?
- Owh ade.mnyesal nk mampos.

161. Done something stupid?
- ade.

162. Thought someone crying was funny?
- Ade dowh.

163. Wanted someone to die?
- OWH yeah babeh

164. Cried over something dumb?
- xpenah tunjuk

165. Been in a fight?
- tak minat gado2.

166. Been dumped?
- selalu dowh..shial tol.

167. Missed somone?
- Tak tawu larh..ap soalan mengundang gler ni?

168. Talked on the phone for 3 hours straight?
- sape la nk cll ak pn tara

169. Been to hospital?
- Pernah bercite2 la.

170. Been kicked out of school?
- Bon nak abis skola da ni

171. Have you ever done something bad and you still havent told your parents?
- Yup2. :)

172. Have you ever broke someone's heart ?
- misi aku sebelum ati aku sakit baek ak sakit kn ati org dulu.ahaha

173. Have you ever done something a long time ago and just now regret it
- YUP!

174. Cried yourself to sleep
- xpernah

175. Fallen down the stairs
- pernah.terpeleot sikit je.

176. Ignored someone till they stopped talking to you for good
- pernah kalo da sakit ati sgt

177. Met someone who changed your life
- btol2..yg menjahanam kan aku ade la nana

178. Broke up with someone to be with someone else
- zaman dahulu kala.ahaha

179. Told someone you were single and you really werent
- dulu punye zaman.hee;)

180. Flirt with people on chat lines while you are with someone
- Pernah buat ke?


181. How many friends do you have?
- Ramai.

182. How many best friends do you have?
- Cma edung
- Bedah tembamm
- Nana myloo
- Billa bullu
- Bulan wanie

183. Do you trust your friends?
- Yes i do. Ape gune kawan kan

184. If so, who?
- Semua lah.

185. Are any of your friends straight?
- Semua straight kan? xde yg bengkok?ahaha

186. Are any of your friends Bi?
- Semua normal la

187. Do you tell your friends your secrets?
- Yup2. Bile sampai mase nye. ;)

188. Who's the most hyper?
- Billa ngn Bedah

189. Funniest?
- Semua juare raje lawak

190. Shyest?
- Aaai...!

191. Sweetest?
- Semua sweet kan?

192. Smartest?
- Semua

193. Weirdest?
- in investigation..ahaha

194. Most gothic?
- Billa zaman dulu2. HAHAHAHA

195. Loudest?
- Cma.

196. Quietest?
- Aku kowt..ahaha

197.Who's your longest, known friend?
- nana,billa,bedah,cma

198. How many years?
- 5 years

199. The best memory with your friends?
- Hang out together.

200.How much do you love your best friends?
- Tak terkate :)


201. Love is....
- mngundang kepada maksiat.ahaha

202. Do you like someone?
- rite now xde larh..tgh mood single

203.Do you show him or her that you like them?
- Kalau da suke aku suke bg2 hint..ahaha..biar die maen teka teki kjp

204. Do you LOVE someone?
- Kawan2 n famly saje buat mse nih.

205. When was the last time you were in love?
- Ala. Cibet la. 1 month ago.

206. Do you still think about him/her?
- Perlu ke? Xperlu kot.

207. Did you guys ever go to the next level?
- Soalan ape ni? Haha. Pantat lah.

208. When do you mostly think about him/her?
- apabila keseorangan

209. How long do your relationships usually last?
- more than 1year..tu setia thp cipan..ahaha

210. How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had?
- Ooo. Tak ingat :) byk sgt la tu.

211. What do you look for in a guy/girl?
- Baik,kelakar and at the same time die romantik,cukup didikan agame,sorg yg rajin sebab kalo die xde pelajaran tp rajin still bole die hidup..and the most importan is die XSUKE AMEK ad lg ke lelaki yg mcm 2?ntah la..kalo xjumpe xpyh la kawin.ap susah.ahaha

212. Do your parents care if you have a partner?
- Mak xkesah kalo same2 tgh jgn laki tu lagi low dr ak..kalo xmesti mak stil can carry onn dgn relatinship tuh.

213. Do you love to flirt?
- oop coz..terase diri ini di awangan.cibet gler..

214. How tall should your partner be?
- Dalam 165 ke atas la..

215. What hair colour should they have?
- Black of coz.Then pandai2 la style kan ;)

216.What kind of personality should they have?
- Klaka kene pd tempatnye & serius pd tempatnye,boley dijadikan sbgi kwn bile ak mmerlukan seorg kwn.

217.Older or younger?
- Older lah. Setahun tua dari aku sket pon okayh la

218. Serious or carefree?
- Both kowt.

219. Spontainous or hesitant?
- Spontainous

220. Brutally honest or tight-lipped?
- Tengah2.

221. Beautiful/handsome or intelligent?
- Intelligent

222. Should they make all the money?
- Nope. money is not everything but everything need money..

223. Do they need to cook?
- Kalau reti ape salahnye.sweet jgk kalo laki pndai masak :)

224. What is their best body part?
- Mate. lagi2 kalau mate kuyu.haha

225. Desk job or physical labour?
- Desk job.

226. What car should they drive?
- kene alphard jgk..anak ramai nk sumbat mne?ahaha

227. Who is your first love?
- Ooo. Soalan cepumas. kalau ad jodoh ak dgn die akan jmpe after aku abis skola.ahaha

228. Do you have kids with this person?
- Hell no. haha

229. Did you kiss?
- Yela kowt. Kalau tak, tak dinamekan first love. Haha

230. Are you still in love?
- Tiade perasaan :)

231. Do you still talk to him/her?
- yes2..kadang2 die call aku..

232. How long did it last?
- 1 year 1 month

233. How do you feel about the relationship
- Tiade perasaan

234. Are you still involved with each other
- juz contact2 mcm tu je

235. When is the last time you saw him/her?
- jun 2008

236. How old was he/she
- Sekarang 20 la.time aku dgn die ak form3 n die 18

237. Would you date him again
- kalau ade jodoh xke mane.ahaha

238. was this boring
- not really

239. did it bring back memories
- sket2.

240. Last kiss
- Malas ingat

241. Last person that broke your heart
- rasenye ak yg broke some1 heart adela

242. Do you have someone that you can spend the rest of your life with?
- Takde. Soalan palat..shit

243. are u in a relationship right now an if so are you happy
- Owh tidak.tgh mood single n spm.ahaha :)

244. are u currently hiding feelings about someone ?
- yela kowt

245. have u ever cheated on your partner?
- Dulu2.

246. have you ever kissed someone for the first time and almost fainted?
- almost fainted xpernah

247. have you ever loved 2 people at once?
- Tak pernah

248. ever had that butterfly feeling in your stomach?
- xpernah..aai jenis yg relax.ahaha

249. do you get tired of these questions(trick)?
- Yes i do. Haha.

250. is this the last question you'll answer?
- owh yeah! :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

wt i did 4 today..

bngun pg...arghhh.!!...wake up 4 school again..bile nk tamat sume ni...xpe2..lg baper bulan je lg..(arini awl cket bngun..kne tlg iron bju mk.)ahaha...patu iron bju,semak jadual...6.45 bru mnd..

go to school..bermula la schdule ak sbgi pelajar beratur dlu.dgr ckgu bebel 2.3 minit.bru msok kelas...arini ak xdgr ap ckgu bbel kn,..(pnh dgr ke sblom ni?ahaha)..patu ad spotcheck nametag....adoi...ak da la xpnh ad nk lari..skali skale mnyerah dri larh.hehe...lgpn msok klas awl2 nk wt plak tu subjek first..baek ak lmbt2.

skunk time ckgu bm azura jalani...pg2 mngundang ak tok tdow...sib bek stu jam je die msok...saba aai..penderitaan mu akn ak kne ajin cket dlm kelas die...die da mule aim ak sbb xanta hw...huhu..

8.10am da abs...skunk wktu akaun..sib bek xbosan time mahiran xley nk mngelamun lgsung,.msti die pasan nti..nti mule larh die soal2 kte mcm2..ak da la low dlm akaun ni...ak kne segar2 kn muke cket.nti xde la kne soal.hehe....aai sorg yg pintar..

skunk time teacher bi kami plak msok..teacher zahana..ak suke ckgu ni..die tegas tp xgrg..ckgu mcm ni larh bru ak ley blaja...ahaha byk songeh la ko aai..ari ni blaja ayt active n pasif..sng je..mcm bm jgk...huhu..bongkak plak..

cikgu sivik msok.ahaha ckgu faredah hanum...aduh...ak da la jrg2 msok kelas die..xpnh ad buku sivik..tbee2 die nk check plak notes arini...ak harus gimana nih?ley plak teacher nk round table by table..ak da seram sjuk kt meja ak.ak phhm sgt dgn ckgu ni..last year die mngajar ak bi...setahun terseksa psl hw..huhu...finally turn ak pn smpai...
teacher : ha yg ko tersengih2 ni knp?xsiap la tuhh..
ak : ni je yg ad ckgu...slame ni sy xpnh msok lg kelas ckgu..
teacher : die xpnh msok ke slme nu?(tnye bedah plak..pdn muke.hehe.)
bedah : mggu lps arii rbu die pegi pjumpaan teater ckgu..kamis die xdtg.
teacher : byk la kamu punye alsn.(smbil tnde nota ak yg xsmpai stu page pn.)ahaha.

slamat ak dr malapetaka....alhamdulillah...pasni rht...xsabo ak nk mncekik..

kringggg.!!ati ak mlonjak2 gumbira...hehe..time ni la nk mncekik ke,mngilai ke bergosip ke jjak kaseh..jejak kaseh bsme kwn2 larh..pkwe2 xmen la..hah segale2 nye time rht ni la..port kami di dpn kelas pndidikan khas..ahaha..merase kan kami serasi disana ye...myb sbb pangai ktorg dgn bdk2 pndidikan khas sme kot..ahaha...ak mkn mknn yg ak kirim kt cma..mee hun goreng...xsabo2 nk bile bukak hancur luluh ati ak bile tgk dlm tu bknn nye mee hun yg diidam2 nasi ak tabah kn ati mnyuap kn jgk.xkn nk buang tol x?nk mnangis ak smbil mnyuap nsi tu ke dlm mulut ak yg lebar ni..da ley msok rncngn besamamu.ahaha..bodow la kaw...

rht is over..pasni subjek ap ek?OMG..time add math..maw pecah pale otak ak..da la xde mmbr lgsung time add math..bdah.bulan anie sume da drop add math..tggl ak sorg je yg tkontang kanting blaja add la diwujudkan subjek add math ni..?why..!!someone pliss tell me...cpt la abs time add math ni...mcm pongeh ak dlm klas sorg2..dgn otak blank nye lagi...

ni lagi stu subjek yg mngantok kn..time mathematics,.subjek die xmngntok kn tp ckgu yg mgajar tu yg mngundang ak tdow..susah woo maw concentrated..dgn td ak bru pas blaja add math..dgn keadaan kol12 yg mmg ley nk msok dlm pale otak...ditambah plak ckgu wan mngajar lju nk mmpos,.ak xdgr pape pn yg ckgu aja..bkn ak xtry tried xley nk focus..msti mlencong ke tempat laen.hehe...tbe2 kol12.35.ckgu ckp ad meeting..tpkse tggl kn ktorg..ahaha....yahhhooooo...!!..sonok kemain...hehe...ckgu kua ak pn kua la skali...ak n bedah pack2 brg..patu chaw...blek la pe lgi...hehe

da smpai uma....ak tos mcg dgn pokcik...n mkn..ak kne siap cpt2..sbb ptg ak ad latihan teater..hehe..sjk2 bkecimpung dlm bidang seni ni...(bidang seni la sgt.ahaha.)stiap ari kne dtg ptg..blatih teater dr kol 2 smpai kol4.30..lme kn?huhu

sesudah itu..ak blek la uma...ahaha sudah tamat la jadual ak tok xde la tmt sgt..sbb mlm ad tusyen nk story..xde ap yg best..

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Keriangan Bersama.

arini ak bedah n nana mnjadi setan segale setan yg ad di muke bumi ini.ahaha...kami telahh ponteng bersame2...hehe(wt muke bangang)..xpyh la cter psl ponteng sgt...kte story psl kua jela eh..ktorg xg mne2 pn..jln2 kt petak mase cri bju dan seliper.. xjmpe cri la kt pulak...ap susah..mcm2 kami buat..yg nk beli sorg je..ak ngn bedah ikot bontot nana je..patu bedah wt sjrh plak kt times square..ahahaha.! mnggelikan ati tol la bedah xpe...tu point tok ktorg bhn die nti.hehehe..kt ts xjmpew bju pn..sume ak xminat..kalo minat pn ap ley wt...tgk je la..ak jd geram plak kt situ..geram sbb xpat bli..tape2...arini nana shopping,esk2 ak plak...yihaaa.!hehe...nana smpt bli dress je sblom kami berangkat g! kt lg skit ati ak tgk bju2...babi lawa sial...level paling ats skali..kimak tol.time ak ad duet xde plak yg cntek....saba gmbr2 yg ktorg smpt snap..simple shje..
smentare tggu lif..smpt je..nk seribu daye.xnk seribu dalih.ahaha...

ni gmbar ak n bdah tgh mnyangap.ahaha..baek punya posing...sememang nye bedah budak poser....

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

tgh beat muke sape paling violent...op coz ak
ak yg menang ent...tgk muke pokcik uh..muke tahan
semangat nye la pokcik ni..btol2 nk blaja ke?
kejap je bkak r*dt***...ahaha
muke tayang rambut baru.ahaha...yg hanye
kelihatan gigi dan rambut sahaje.

kami juz mlepak je..mngutuk org adelah agenda utama kami.hua hua..msing2 ting tong je time2 ujan mcm ni..ktuk2 org..ak bahan pale botak die la..amek2 gmbr la...sporting r pokcik ent..xkesah nk amek gmbr sume..yg paling best mngacau bedah..ahaha.sory la babe.ak msok air cket kalo lpk nan amal...patu ktorg juz on9 je..die nk survey tmpt tok stdy...skunk bru nk sibok2 pk psl stdy kn.nk kne pokcik nih...n last skali die teman ak bbuke puase gmbr2 yg ktorg snap..

melepak je keje......

hobi ak skunk melepak je...xelok 4 spm kadang2 kena la hibur kan hati jgk kan...kang xsmpat msok u da giler...xke syg nti...hehe bnyk la ko aai..kali ni lokasi kami di mcD BTHO..bunyi mcm lpk beramai2 tp yg semenonye be2 je dgn pokcik n..pokcik dan ocit jejak kaseh di mcD smentare ujan benti..ahaha.sebenar2nye ak dgn die saje lpk kt situ..da lme xbersua muke kan..rndu pn mkin mggunung..cewaaah.! rndu ke?die dtg la lpk dgn ak..die nk tunjuk skali rambut bru die....pokcik da botakK.! ahaha..mkin comel ouwh..nk tgk pale die?hehe ni la pale die..comel kn?